Friday, May 17, 2013

"Expect from your shepherds not that they would rally you behind political . . ."

As is happening around our country, from time to time these days, the citizens of Minnesota are being called on to make a decision about the definition of marriage. Two leaders in the church are being called on the political-activism carpet, for what is being seen as their non-participation in the campaign.  Leith Anderson is former president of the National Association of Evangelicals.  John Piper is the long-time pastor of Bethlehem Church.  Of the two, I have much more familiarity with Piper, so I'll limit my comments to him.
The controversy concerning the well-known preacher centers around these words delivered from the Bethlehem pulpit.
Your Pastor Is Not Your Political Activist
Your Pastor Is Not Your Political Activist
  "Expect from your shepherds not that they would rally you behind political candidates or legislative initiatives, but they would point you over and over again to God and to his word, and to the cross."

At the risk of exposing myself to the same kind of criticism as my Minnesota colleague, I basically agree.  Having said that, I feel a bit like a member of one of the old women's lib. groups standing at the entrance to a restaurant, wondering why no gentleman will open the door.  "Because you told us not to.  That's why."
Unfortunately, Evangelicals have become known for the politics associated with their movement, more than the Evangel--the Gospel--the Good news--from which the group's name comes.  I'm not saying Piper did this.  I don't think he did.  But he and Iare associated with a movement.  I didn't sign up to join, but it is the Theological pigeon-hole where I best fit.  Ask the average person-on-the-street about Evangelicals and they will likely begin their description with the political rather than the Biblical.  Sad!
Some critics of Piper are making comparisons to the ineffective church in Nazi Germany during the rise of Adolf Hitler.  No.  I think the case can be made that the problem with the church in Germany was not that they were not sufficiently involved in politics, but that they were involved up to their clerical collars.  Many leaders in that church made the mistake of thinking that a political leader, and regime, could "fix it."  Wrong. Piper has spoken unequivocally about the Bible truth on marriage.  I think he is right when he says to his congregation.  "It's up to you."
As a less well-known pastor, me, recently said: "The battle will not be won in the political realm, but in the heart."

John, if you would like to come, Sunday, and say "Amen!" you are welcome.  I speak on what our response to the Debate on the definition of marriage should be.

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