Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Those of us who have raised kids, especially if we made it through the teen years with them, have heard the words,"That's not fair!" about a million times.  Indeed, the youngsters are right.  Life is seldom fair.  Many of Solomon's observations in the book of Ecclesiastes could be filed under that heading.
Generally, when one lets loose with the plaintive three-word cry about life's inequity it isn't because we get more than we deserve.  Yet, truth be told, in my case, at least, the table often tilts that way.  If I get more than I deserve I just enjoy it, in fact I may come to expect it.  If I get less than I think I deserve, I lodge a protest to the nearest ear--or maybe to no one at all.
That's not fair!

Fairness, however, is the last thing I need.  Run fairness through this grid.

"All have sinned."  (Romans 3:23)
"The wages of sin is death."  (Romans 6:23)

Clearly, I won't make it through.  I need much more than fairness.  I need grace--of the amazing variety.
I invite you to join usSunday morning at 8:30 or 10:55 at CBC, as we look at one of Jesus' upside-down stories.
If you want to look on your own you can read it here.

It's STTA.

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