Monday, August 24, 2015

The President, A Little Boy in Africa, & Thousands More Doing God's Work


Sunday School:

Yesterday a faithful band of folk all around the world stepped up and served the God of Heaven and people all around them with great effectiveness.  One of them is a former President of the United States.
Sunday School teachers, what a powerful force they are.  Sunday School began in England.  Robert Raikes began teaching children who worked in the sweatshops.  It was the only education they received.  Sunday was the only day they could attend class.  Raikes' tradition was continued by Thomas Jackson.   Long before he was known as "Stonewall" he was breaking barriers.  Though it was against the law he met with a group of black children each Sunday afternoon.  Among other things he taught them to read.
In my time Sunday School has been more spiritual than academic. I look back more than half a Century at people like a sweet lady in Harvey Illinois, though I don't remember her name, she was the first Sunday School teacher I remember.  With her encouragement l memorized the 23 Psalm and received a stapler as a prize.  The little stapler is long
gone--though I remember I did cherish it--but the reminder I've carried with me for six decades that the Lord of heaven cares for me has been priceless.   Woody Hanson taught Sunday School when I was in elementary School.  A group of us used to meet in a '49 International bus, where Mr. Hanson taught us.  He helped give me the base on which my faith is founded.  My pastor, who later became my Father-in-law patiently answered questions, often offered not because we wanted to know, but in an attempt to make him squirm.  The fact that he loved us enough to put up with us made a great impression on me.  Sunday SchoolTeachers like Marrieta Sizemore, Sue Livick, Wendy Hinkle, and Tim Morse made a profound difference in the lives of my sons.  Last night I heard my two-year-old granddaughter recite her memory verse.  Even though they don't call it "Sunday School" at her church, she's learning about God and life in Sunday School.  Thanks to her teacher.

A friend of mine, a single mom, serves the Lord at an orphanage in Africa.  Recently her son came rushing up to her, 
 "Mommy Tom, I need a Bible and an Eli Uyo (hymn book). The nursery's teachers are not there, so we are teaching them!"  The News media has made a big deal out of President Carter's faithfulness in teaching Sunday School.  It's not a task that most former world leaders take time for.  That Carter continues to teach though he is being treated for brain cancer is commendable.  What President Carter does in Plains Georgia is no more or less commendable than what a dedicated band of women and men, and at least one little boy, do every week in places big and small all around this globe.  I doubt that one of the President's class members ever honored him as one of my late Mother's students once honored her.  The little guy named his dog, Mrs. Merrell.  It doesn't get any better than that.

If you and/or your children have a Sunday School teacher, take time to thank them.  If you don't, why don't you check in this coming Sunday.  From the plains of Africa to Plains Georgia, young and old, unknown and famous, faithful folk are sharing God's word, love and hope.

I think we could use some more of that.
It's STTA.


You can find several ways on this page to learn the greatest lesson taught in Sunday Schools that are true to God's word.

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