Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Oldie #1:

I ran across some old STTAs I'm posting them here for posterity, :)

Some of these are so unbelievable that no one would have made them up. Others have that cluelessness that sounds just like--well you fill in the blank.

"I was late for work because I had to go audition for American Idol."
"The line at Starbucks was too long."
"My route to work was blocked by a presidential motorcade."
"I had transient amnesia."
OK, I can't say whether these are true excuses or not, but I do know that a lot of the people I see are very much time-stressed. Getting it all done, any where close to on time is a stretch.
In the mad rush to get work, school, and appointments on time, it is awfully easy to neglect that which is really important.
Our spouses, or children don't threaten to fire us if we are late, or even, fail to show up at all. The fact is, however, that our hurried and harried life-style can cause them to quit. To quit trying to reach out to us and build the kind of relationship with us that will make us both better.
We honor others with the gift of time.
It's STTA.

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