Tuesday, April 6, 2010

One or the Other:

I find myself alternating between two poles related to my reading:
Sometimes I wish that I were able to read much faster than I can, so that I could read more.
Other times I look at the pile of stuff on my desk, the cyber-heap on my computer and the even bigger accumulation of stuff that I know I ought to read, and others tell me I should read, and decide to go ride my bicycle. At least I get somewhere when I do that.
Part of the frustration comes like this:
A friend recently recommended a book on a hot topic in current church-life--so hot it has a one-word descriptor. I got about two-thirds of the way through that book when I received an article on the same subject from another friend. The book says A (the hot topic) is very good. The article recommends killing A at the earliest convenience. If this were something that didn't matter I could just shake my head and abandon both (the book and the article, not my friends). But it does matter, so now I have to read some more so I can make up my mind, or at least get closer.

Solomon said that to the writing of books there is no end. What would he say about today's blogs, webzines, and massive publishing houses?

I'll sort out the matter over which my friends disagree. A significant component of deciding will be to ask what the Bible says. It is the grand arbiter. It is for sure that I need to read it more.

It's STTA.

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