Thursday, April 22, 2010

We paid our debt

From announcements on TV, to a banner at our local Chevrolet dealer, GM is touting the fact that they have paid off the debt they owed to the American tax-payers. Five years early! In spite of the fact that I and the rest of US citizens still own a majority of the car company, and the deal won't really be done until private enterprise is back in the private realm, thanks.
Actually, I hope that the barons from Detroit set an example for the rest of our nation. There is a disturbing tendency in our culture to not pay "what you owe," but "what you have to."
The Bible says that our goal ought to be to, Owe no man anything, but to love one another." (Romans 13:8) Pay what you owe and realize that the debt of love is one you will never retire.

It's STTA.

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