Friday, May 21, 2010

I'm Thinking About Staying Married:

Tara Parker-Pope, according to a recent Time Magazine article challenges the long-held, much-quoted statistic that half of all marriages in the US end in divorce. Her book may identify some segments of society doing better than 50%, but, according to other authorities, she doesn't slay the Divorce-Dragon. "Penn State sociologist Paul Amato . . . . writes that the half-of-all-marriages-end-badly figure still "appears to be reasonably accurate." (,9171,1989124,00.html#ixzz0oZ7aJlXl)Far more important than figuring the staying together average for the nation is actually staying married as a couple. "Parker-Pope argues, all the talk about grim marriage stats becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. "It makes us ambivalent and more vulnerable to giving up when problems occur,"(,9171,1989124,00.html)Yeah!We have created a culture in which divorce is seen as being as acceptable as ordering coffee without cream. Two things happen when a culture says something is bad: It makes people, who care about the cultural voices, feel bad if they violate the cultural more.Because of #1, it will bring about a lessening of the frequency of the bad behavior.
I fear that, combined with an over-emphasis on self-image, so called, we have so focused on the first result (above) that we have forfeited the second. I don't have a study to back up my statement, but, as a pastor, I have seen marriages that work and those that have failed. In my humble opinion we want a culture that encourages people to stay married. Parents, when you and your children hear about the divorce of an acquaintance--maybe the parents of your child's schoolmate, take a minute and reflect on the loss. Help create a bias toward staying married. All of us can refuse to treat the marital-breakups of the rich and famous as just another piece of gossip-news.More than anything, those of us who are married can push down the divorce average, and lead the way. Most likely it is good for us, and it benefits those who are watching. 'til death do us part.It's STTA

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