Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Depending on the Kindness of others:

Plenty of us share a dependency with Blanche Dubois, We depend "on the kindness of strangers," and friends, and family, and anyone else.  
From the person who stops so we can pull out onto a busy street, to the youngster who helps pick up the contents of a dropped grocery bag, to the friend who uses their time to comfort and encourage us in a time of need, we all appreciate kindness.

The person who exhibits Biblical kindness doesn't just think nice thoughts, she actually does something.  One definition I found was "benevolence in action."  The kind person looks at another then asks the question what do I have and what can I do to help, encourage, protect this person.  We enjoy the presence of the kind-hearted, love to hear kind words, and soak up kind deeds.  Most of us would not have survived, certainly not thrived, if we hadn't had kind mothers.  Most of us look back with fondness on at least one teacher who treated us kindly at some difficult time in our life.  Contrary to numerous jokes, I was wonderfully blessed to have a kind Mother-in-law.  Sometimes we find ourselves like a dry sponge.  When kindness is poured out we soak it up.
Colossians speaks of God's people wearing kindness like a garment.  Galatians tells us it is one aspect of the fruitthat the Holy Spirit bears in our lives.  That makes sense because it is a characteristic of God.  (Ephesians 2:7)

I readily admit that I depend on the kindness of others. 
My prayer is that I will be one on whom others can depend for acts of kindness.

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