Friday, September 7, 2012

If a warning is shouted in a forest . . . ?

If a tree falls in a forest and no one hears it, does it make a sound?  
I say it does, but since I have so little interest in falling timber in uninhabited woods, I'm not going to argue about it.  I do know that if warning is proclaimed and no one heeds it, the results can be disastrous.   If you hear cracking wood and rustling branches you better look around!  What if radar signals or the ignored dispatch about the Pearl Harbor attack had been heeded?  Or closer to home, what if we guys paid better attention to our wives' raised eye-brows, and question that is isn't an inquiry, "Are you wearing that?"  
A warning not heeded is useless--maybe worse than worthless, because of the "If only" recriminations that come later.
The Bible gives some important and basic warnings.  Unfortunately, many of us pay no more attention to them than to a falling tree on an uninhabited island 1,000 miles from the nearest human ear.
  • We are going to die.  Do we really need that word?  Apparently so, because we so often live as if that end were not coming.
  • We will give an account.  See the above link andhere.  Again it ought to be obvious.  We have an innate sense of right and wrong (warped though it may be) and sense that the injustices that flourish around us ought to be made right, but we too often try to get by.
  • This world is not the end.  Solomon in his observations of life in this world saw what many other thoughtful watchers have seen.  We have "eternity in our hearts."  It doesn't make sense to live life without consideration of what comes next.  But we don't hear anything falling so . . .
  • A life lived without acknowledging God's proper place is a life that is ultimately wasted.  In perhaps the strangest principle found in the Bible Jesus says if you attempt to keep your life, you will loose it.  (Jesus said this several times.  Here is one example.
How many trees fell, while you were reading this?  Unless you work for the U.N Forest preservation group, it likely doesn't matter.  Whether you heed the warnings from God's word matters supremely.
It's STTA.
You'll find more about the Bible's warnings and provisions below:  

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