Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Lash me to the Mast--spell that B-I-B-L-E

Are there any two other numbers that bring up such memories?  
This year the anniversary of the horrendous attack on our nation intersects with a presidential campaign.  I'm thankful that both major candidates have declared a moratorium on negative campaign ads for the day.  Both candidates and their staffs are working hard to look suitably somber.  They want to make the point that their election is the "key" to the salvation of our nation, yet they must do so without appearing to "use" this sad remembrance.  It is an  interesting dance to watch.  
Let me try a dance of my own.  (A strange image for an old Fundamentalist.)  On the one had I want to speak to some of my friends who have succumbed to a cynicism that spreads like early morning fog.  After two or three or twenty election cycles it is easy to say, "It doesn't matter."  Vote for Tweedledee or Tweedledum.  It really makes no difference.  Broken campaign promises become the fodder of the next opposition ads.  The syndrome creates jokes like the one that begins, "Consider liars and politics."  and then continues with, "Oh, I'm sorry.  I've repeated myself."   That kind of cynicism doesn't help.  It leads to decent people surrendering the process to the scoundrels.  I'm grateful for decent, honest, in some cases, even Godly people who wade into the political swamp and try to make it better.
On the other hand, especially, those of us who claim to speak for God need to resist the siren call that becomes all but deafening every four years.  Odysseushad himself tied to the mast of his ship so that he would not abandon his course and crash on the rocks.  The mythic tale warns of a very real danger.
As preachers of the Word of God, we need to be lashed to the Book.  We are not a-political.  We aresupra-political.  One of the images of the Bible is that it is a fire.  We ought to preach the Word in such a way that we hold the feet of those who listen to that fire.  The Bible ought to inform and shape all of our lives.  That has to include the great responsibility that we Americans have to vote for our leaders, and responsibly participate in our representative form of government.
Without the least bit of arrogance--in fact with a great deal of humility--I say that there are those of us who need to stay so tightly tied to the Word of God that we can be a guide through these dangerous waters. 
It's STTA.
The heart of that message to which I am committed is found below:  

Here is a good word from another preacher who is tied to the Word.

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