Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Giving Tuesday Everyday

Giving Tuesday:

 I'll be honest (actually, I try to be all the time)  I don't understand Giving Tuesday.  I just know that I see the words all over the internet.  It appears that it is an attempt to encourage people to give to worthy charities.  I hope organizations that are doing good work will see their budgets increased.

I am struck, though, with the fact that for the Church of Jesus Christ every day is giving day.  On many occasions I have been impressed with the generosity of God's people.  I'm also impressed with the great needs that in many Christian ministries.  For the past couple of days I have been in communication with leaders in a ministry with which I'm involved about the end of year needs.  I know it is popular to point to some high-end "ministries" led by flambouyant leaders, and talk of the extravagance in church related work.  I haven't found that to be the norm.  I have spent my life in ministry, and my impression is amazement at how much ministries get done with the limited resources they have available.

So on this Giving Tuesday, I want to say thanks to those who give in support of churches, missions, schools, and other worthy ministries that are seeking to advance the cause of Christ.  I also want to thank those resourceful and faithful leaders who give time, effort, expertise, and often entire lives to these works.  I know you wait for the word from the Lord, but let me say down here, below, 

"Well done."

We might not get it done on Tuesday, but if you would like to find out about a ministry that I'm involved with that has need, drop me a line.

It's STTA.

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